Crisis support

Numbers when you need urgent help

We are not a crisis service.

If you are worried about the safety of a child, please contact your local crisis services:

If there is a risk of immediate danger or require emergency response, please attend A&E or call 999.

North Staffordshire

Call 0300 123 0907 and select Option 1 for the 24/7 Crisis Care Centre.

South Staffordshire

Call 0808 1963002 to reach the 24/7 Urgent Mental Health Service.

If there is a risk of immediate danger or require emergency response, please attend A&E or call 999.

If you are thinking about suicide, you can:

If you are feeling overwhelmed or are struggling to cope, you can:

  • Text SHOUT or AFC to 85258. It’s a free and confidential 24/7 text message support service. They’ll connect you with someone you can chat to. Find out more.