
Struggling with managing your emotions can affect the quality of your sleep. You may oversleep or not sleep enough.

There are things you can do to help you sleep better.

Tips to improve sleep quality

Stick to a sleep routine

To help your body get into a steady sleep routine, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Do this even if it means having less sleep than usual. This might be difficult to do at first, but it will help your body get used to the routine. To support this routine you may want to do certain things before bed every night e.g. having a bath or reading a book.

Timings of food and exercise

Thinking about the time you eat and exercise can be really important when it comes to sleep. In relation to food, it is best to avoid going to sleep when hungry or very full. It is also helpful to avoid any caffeine in the afternoon or night, for some young people their sleep may be affected by having caffeine at any point during the day so you may want to consider whether this is the case for you.  Doing physical exercise during the day can be a great tool to help you feel more tired towards bedtime. 

Use your bed only for sleep

Relaxing in your bed in your free time can lead to a struggle to get to sleep at night. Only use your bed for sleep. This will help your mind associate the bed with sleep.

Keep your room dark

The mind is affected by light. We tend to feel sleepy when the environment around us is dark. When it is bright, it helps us stay awake.

To help you sleep better, keep your room completely dark at bedtime. Do not be tempted to use your phone before bed, as it will make it harder to fall asleep. Phones emit light which prevents the body from releasing the sleep hormone that makes you sleepy.

In the morning, make your room bright by letting the light in.

Create a relaxing sleep environment

You can create a relaxing sleep environment by:

●      Using lavender scented items such as lavender spray or moisturiser.

●      Drinking hot milk before bed.

●      Using sleep sounds or stories. You can find these on YouTube or apps like Headspace and Calm.

●      You may find using the below Guided Relaxation video helpful to make you feel more relaxed and ready to sleep.






Get more support

National Sleep Charity: Provides advice and support to help improve how you sleep. Call the helpline between 7pm and 9pm, Sunday to Thursday on 03303 530 541.